Fokker Services Group joins Field Lab SAMEN

October 5, 2022

By joining this program, Fokker Services Group will be able to improve its predictive maintenance capabilities.

Fokker Services Group takes part in Field Lab SAMEN to accelerate the adoption of smart maintenance

The objective of Field Lab SAMEN -a program that operates under the coordination of World Class Maintenance, a Dutch organization for the promotion of smart maintenance- is to “accelerate and increase the adoption of smart maintenance enabled business by jointly developing, validating and making available to the market solutions in the form of knowledge products”, according to the World Class Maintenance’s own manifesto.

As a leader in aerospace services, ensuring that our maintenance solutions are top of the game is central to everything we do. By joining this program with Field Lab SAMEN, Fokker Services Group will be able to improve its predictive maintenance capabilities (identifying how aircraft components will behave in the future and taking predictive measures to repair ahead of time) and bolstering its data sharing capabilities throughout its supply chain.

We are deeply convinced that predictive maintenance is the future of the industry and a game changer, and therefore we are proud to support the World Class Maintenance organization and its field lab SAMEN program.

For more information on this program, visit this link (available in Dutch only):
